
Licensing Magazine
Dicember 10, 2021
"Preschool animation Nina&Olga honored at Cartoons on the Bay 2021"
Nina & Olga, the delightful and popular new animated series co-produced by Enanimation and Mondo TV Iberoamerica (now Mondo TV Studios) along with Rai Ragazzi, has won a prestigious Pulcinella Award 2021 in the Best Upper Pre-school TV Series (4-6 Years) category.

Kidscreen Daily
January 7, 2020
“Rai pre-buys Nina & Olga"
Enanimation's animated adaptation of book franchise Olga the Cloud has a new friend in the Italian kidcaster.
Italian animation studio Enanimation (Mini Ninjas) has pre-sold the first season of its new preschool toon Nina & Olga (pictured) to Italian kidscaster and producer Rai Kids (Rai Ragazzi).

Animation Magazine
September 3, 2019
Enamination Announce Nicoletta Costa Adaptation ‘Nina & Olga’
Italian boutique animation studio Enanimation has secured the rights to develop – globally and on all platforms – the popular preschool publishing property Olga the Cloud, created by legendary writer and illustrator Nicoletta Costa. The series now in development is titled Nina & Olga.

Quotidiano Piemontese
12 Giugno 2018
I progetti vincitori di Under 35 Digital Video Contest
Zonks è tra gli 8 vincitori del Bando “Under 35 Digital Video Contest – Giovani protagonisti” – promosso da Film Commission Torino Piemonte con il sostegno e la collaborazione dell’Assessorato alle Politiche giovanili della Regione Piemonte – ideato per sostenere opere audiovisive crossmediali e transmediali fruibili principalmente attraverso il web o dispositivi mobili, con particolare attenzione alle tecnologie emergenti (Realtà Aumentata, Realtà Virtuale e contenuti immersivi in genere), all’uso di social network e piattaforme.